Bible Chronology Timeline

Chronologies of the Mysteries of God

Genesis 5:1
“This is the book of the generations of
Adam. In the day that God created man,
in the likeness of God made he him”
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All rights reserved. The author gives permission to anybody whom the Holy Spirit will urge to translate this book into their mother tongue, and to print, publish and distribute this book. However, the content of Chronologies of the Mysteries of God must remain unaltered (unabridged). It must be published and translated according to a 1909 Bible version that best presents the message of the King James Bible.

The author assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of all facts and quotations cited in this book.


“And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. He shall think to change times and laws” Daniel 7:25.

The Calendar in the Time of Noah

In his schemes to cover up his system of iniquity, Satan changed the calendar through his right arm the Papacy. This change confused the understanding of the Messianic prophecies and made it more difficult for the faithful believer to understand the prophecies, even those prophecies that uncover the anti-Christ wickedness.

Nevertheless, there has been one true calendar from the beginning of time. It has not changed in God’s mind and it continues to be worthy of reckoning until the end of time. Thus, in the Word of God we find many instances where God’s calendar comprehends the establishment of days, months and years:

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years” (Genesis 1:14).

The first place we find God’s calendar is at the time of the great world flood. The worldwide flood is recounted in Genesis in terms of its duration in the number of days and months. It also gives us the year when it happened: “In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month” (Genesis 7:11).

Now it has been written that the flood began in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month. Although the number of months that the flood waters prevailed over the surface of the earth is not stated in the Bible, the Word of God reveals the number of days: “the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days” (Genesis 7:24).

We know that the flood began on the second month and it lasted 150 days. Now the next verse will help us understand that each month contains 30 days each: “And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4). From the second month to the seventh month we have a total of 5 months; then if we divide the 150 days by those 5 months we find that a month in the Bible has 30 days:

150 ÷ 5 = 30





Flood began 2nd Month 17th day of the month Genesis 7:11
Ark rested on ground 7th Month 17th day of the month Genesis 8:4
Waters prevailed over the earth 150 Days Genesis 7:24

The Flood account reveals to us that God designed a calendar from the outset of time for the history of our planet. The flood account does not explain that God designed years of 360 days, yet, it shows that months have 30 days.

The Year Has Twelve Months

That the year has 12 months is understood by the reading of the Chronicles of King David who arranged his armies in twelve courses “of every course were twenty and four thousand”, to serve him throughout the year (1 Chronicles 27:1). Thus, each course with their officers “came in and went out month by month throughout all the months of the year…” (1 Chronicles 27:1). Accordingly, for the first month was Jashobeam (1 Chronicles 27:2), for the second month was Dodai (1 Chronicles 27:4), for the third month was Benaiah (1 Chronicles 27:5), for the fourth month was Asahel (1 Chronicles 27:7), for the fifth month was Shamhuth (1 Chronicles 27:8), for the sixth month was Ira (1 Chronicles 27: 9), for the seventh month was Helez (1 Chronicles 27:10), for the eighth month was Sibbecai (1 Chronicles 27: 11), for the ninth month was Abiezer (1 Chronicles 27:12), for the tenth month was Maharai (1 Chronicles 27:13), for the eleventh month was Benaiah (1 Chronicles 27:14), and the last of the twelve captains for the twelfth month was Heldai (1 Chronicles 27:15).


Word of God Month’s name


Modern Jewish Months

1st Abib Exodus 12:2; 13:4; Deuteronomy 16:1 Nisan: Esther 3:7, Nehemiah 2:1
2nd Zif 1 Kings 6:1 Iyar
3rd Sivan Esther 8:9 Sivan
4th - Tammuz
5th - Ab, Av
6th - Elul
7th Ethanim 1 Kings 8:2 Tishri
8th Bul 1 Kings 6:38 Heshvan
9th Chisleu Zechariah 7:1 Kislev
10th Tebeth Esther 2:16 Nehemiah 1:1 Tebeth, Tebet
11th Sebat Zechariah 1:7 Shebat, Shebet
12th Adar Esther 3:7; 8:12; 9:1 Ezra 6:15 Adar

A Time for a Year

In the Word of God there is another way of calling years, and that is the term “times”. In the story of Nebuchadnezzar we find that God communicated to the Babylonian king through a terrible dream that foretold God’s punishment for the monarch. Daniel interpreted the king’s dream, which contains the following sentence: “Let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be given unto him: and let seven times pass over him” (Daniel 4:16). The prophet also declared that the dream was true and Nebuchadnezzar will be taken away from men and sent to live with the animals and eat grass (Daniel 4:25). All those things happened to this king for a period of seven years. The sentence was: “seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will” (Daniel 4:25).

Nebuchadnezzar failed to give all honour to God and when twelve months passed (Daniel 4:29) – that is a complete year - the dream came true. He was driven from among men and roamed the fields with the animals for seven years, so that his hairs grew to extreme proportions “like eagles’ feathers, and his nails like birds’ claws” (Daniel 4:33). At the end of his ordeal, the monarch gives his personal testimony, saying: “And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever…” (Daniel 4:34).

From the fact that the insane monarch’s physical appearance changed so dramatically it is evident that those seven times refer to seven literal years. Now, Daniel John the Revelator both use the terms “time” and “times” to refer to prophetic years.

A Day for a Year: 1260 Years of Dark Ages

It has been presented that in Bible prophecy a day is equivalent to a literal year. Reiterating the topic, God ordered the people of Israel’s sojourn in the wilderness as He commanded: “After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years…” (Numbers 14:34). Centuries later God declared similarly: “…Thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year” (Ezekiel 4:6). Now we will apply that formula to help us understand the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation pertaining to the 1260 year period of the Papacy’s Dark Ages.

The same formula for understanding the prophetic periods by translating a day for a year will also help us know how many days are in a month and how many days are in a year according to God’s calendar which stands the test even until the end of time. For the Lord Jesus did not change any part of the Law nor the Prophets. But first let us review what happened during those 1260 years of Papal domination. One writer described this horrible period of the Dark Ages as follows:

“In the sixth century the papacy had become firmly established. Its seat of power was fixed in the imperial city, and the bishop of Rome was declared to be the head over the entire church. Paganism had given place to the papacy. The dragon had given to the beast "his power, and his seat, and great authority." [REVELATION 13:2] And now began the 1260 years of papal oppression foretold in the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation. [DANIEL 7:25; REVELATION 13:5-7.] Christians were forced to choose, either to yield their integrity and accept the papal ceremonies and worship, or to wear away their lives in dungeons or suffer death by the rack, the fagot, or the headsman's ax.”




Revelation 11:11 Three days and a half 3 ½ Days The Spirit of life entered into the two witnesses
Daniel 7:25 A time, Times and Dividing of time 3 ½ Times He shall think to change times and laws
Daniel 12:7 A time, Times and a half 3 ½ Times To scatter the power of the holy people
Revelation 12:14 A time Times Half a time 3 ½ Times The woman is nourished
Revelation 11:2 42 Months The holy city shall they tread under foot
Revelation 13:5 42 Months Power enforced forty and two months.
Revelation 11:3 1260 Days Two witnesses prophesy in sackcloth
Revelation 12:6 1260 Days The woman fled into the wilderness

“The accession of the Roman Church to power marked the beginning of the Dark Ages. As her power increased, the darkness deepened. Faith was transferred from Christ, the true foundation, to the pope of Rome. Instead of trusting in the Son of God for forgiveness of sins and for eternal salvation, the people looked to the pope, and to the priests and prelates to whom he delegated authority. They were taught that the pope was their earthly mediator, and that none could approach God except through him, and, further, that he stood in the place of God to them, and was therefore to be implicitly obeyed. A deviation from his requirements was sufficient cause for the severest punishment to be visited upon the bodies and souls of the offenders. Thus the minds of the people were turned away from God to fallible, erring, and cruel men, nay more, to the prince of darkness himself, who exercised his power through them.”

3 ½ Days Stand for 1260 Years

In Revelation 11:11 the Papal supremacy period is clearly termed as a period of three days and a half (3.5 days). Accordingly, adhering to the Word of God’s principle of understanding prophetic periods, we do the calculations in line with the Biblical command to discover the meaning of the prophecies by taking one day for a year (See Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6). But this is a special case because those three and a half days represent three and a half years of 360 days, consequently:

3.5 x 360 = 1260

Furthermore, Revelation 11:11 speaks of those 1260 years of papal tyranny during the medieval period, and it proclaims the glorious promise that the Word of God would come back to life after the 1260 years...

Time, Times and Half a Time is 1260 Years

In three occasions the Word of God mentions the phrase “time times and half a time”. All those terms refer to the same period of 1260 years of papal supremacy. In Daniel 7:25 it is represented as a political and religious power that spoke against God and persecuted the saints and endeavored to change times and laws. The period is termed as time, times and dividing of time (Daniel 7:25; Daniel 12:7). Then in Revelation 12:14 it speaks of a time, times and half a time as the period when the woman (Church) was kept pure and free from Rome’s repression in the wilderness.

 A Time
 Half Time (Daniel 7:25; Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 12:14)

Remember that “times” stand for years in Daniel and Revelation. Therefore a “time” is one year, “times” equals two years and “half a time” stands for half a year. Given that in the Biblical calendar a year has 360 days, those three and a half times are three and a half sets of 360 days that will add up 1260 days, which in turn stand for 1260 years of the Papacy’s Dark Ages of terror.

 360 +
 180 =

As you can see, once again God’s Word is depicting the same period of Papal repression in terms of “time, times and half a time,” so “he that hath an ear, let him hear” (Revelation 2:7) because it is presenting the same Papal dominance of 1260 years from another angle.

42 Months Equivalent to 1260 Years

Whenever the Word of God reiterates a prophecy it denotes the urgency and seriousness of the matter. Speaking of the same period of time during which the Papacy acquired temporal powers and tried to silence the Word of God from prophesying and witnessing to the truth, Revelation discloses that this oppressive Papal power would continue for 42 months (Revelation 11:2). It was during those 42 prophetic months that the Papacy banned and prohibited the possession of the Old and New Testaments, threatening those who would defy their oppressive authority to suffer the penalty of a torturous death. Yet the prophet Isaiah proclaims: “the grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever” (Isaiah 40:8). The Word of God is depicted as the two witnesses that prophesied in sackcloth during that span of 1260 years (Revelation 11:3). It was also during that period of the Dark Ages that the oppressive Papal power was given a mouth “speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months” (Revelation 13:5).

Yet again God speaks in a symbolic language. Both Revelation 11:2 and Revelation 13:5 reiterate the prophecy regarding the mystery of iniquity that persecuted the Christian Church and tried to obliterate the truth and stopping it from reaching the common people.

To understand this prophecy we must rely on the Word of God calendar which only has months of 30 days. Therefore we shall multiply the 42 months by its 30 days and it will give us a result of 1260 days, which in prophecy is equivalent to those dreadful 1260 years of Papal repression.

42 x 30 = 1260

The Prophetic Days Taken After True Biblical Calendar

Let us now notice how the following three charts help us clarify the fact that the year in Biblical times comprised a period of 360 days. The Biblical calendar remains unchanged in God’s Holy and it helps us understand the prophecies about the plan of salvation. The calendar that I refer to is the same that was used by the antediluvian people, those contemporaries of Noah. This calendar must be understood by God’s remnant people because it has due bearing for our comprehension of the events taking place right in the time of the end. Therefore, the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation not only expose the Roman Papacy’s kingdom of terror but also confirm that the calendar according to God should always constitute years of 360 days.

Working with the figure 3.5 will help us understand that the calendar that God intended for us to use today is the same calendar from the beginning of time. Revelation 11:9 and Revelation 11:11 unmask the Papacy’s Dark Ages as 3.5 days, and in Daniel 7:25, Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 12:14 God once again reveals this era of darkness with the terms “time, times and half a time”, or 3.5 times which we have seen stand for the same period of 1260 years of Papal supremacy.

For the rest of the texts that speak of the same Dark Ages and which do not speak in terms of 3.5 days, let us just do the division by either months or days and it will rightly guide us to the 3.5 figure. Thus, the 42 months of Revelation 11:2 and 13:5 divided by 12 months in a year give us the figure 3.5. Let us also consider the 1260 days of Revelation 11:3 and 12:6: dividing 1260 days by 360 days in a year gives us the same figure of 3.5.



By 12 months in a year

Revelation 11: 2, Revelation 13:5 42 Months 42÷12 = 3.5



By 360 days in a year

Revelation 11: 3; Revelation 12:6 1260 Days 1260 ÷ 360 =3.5

Our Lord Jesus honored what the prophets had written regarding God’s calendar. They had written in relation to the true calendar which comprehends months of 30 days, years of 12 months and therefore years of 360 days. The Lord Jesus did not come to destroy the Law or the Prophets which contain the true chronology and calendar. Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. Therefore, God expects us to understand the Biblical calendar in order for us to corroborate the Bible prophecies. This calendar remains as a true guide to enlighten God’s remnant church in the faith of Jesus until the very end of time. For that reason, under God’s dispensation, a year is equivalent to 360 days. Therefore, by dividing 1260 days by 3.5 years we get years of 360 days. Consequently, a month contains 30 days; just divide 1260 days by 42 months = 30.




A YEAR = 1260 ÷ 3.5 360 Days
A MONTH= 1260 ÷ 42 30 Days

1260 Years of Medieval Darkness

Although the Darkest period of the history of this world was during the 1260 year reign of the medieval Papacy, God raised great dignitaries of faith who proclaimed the Word of God and make it shine in the midst of darkness. Examples of such men of renown are: the Germans Martin Luther and Melanchthon, from Prague: John Huss and Jerome, the Swiss Ulric Zwingli, the Scot John Knox, the Englishmen: John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Cranmer, Hugh Latimer, John and Charles Wesley, the Huguenots of France. They are such, “Of whom the world was not worthy” (Hebrews 11:38).

The Word of God Banned for 1260 years

The same Dark Ages period of 1260 years is depicted in the Word of God as 1260 days when the two witnesses prophesied in sackcloth (Revelation 11:3). This was the period when the Word of God, depicted as the two witnesses, the Old and New Testaments was proscribed under penalty of death. “During the greater part of this period, God's witnesses remained in a state of obscurity. The papal power sought to hide from the people the word of truth, and set before them false witnesses to contradict its testimony. When the Word of God was proscribed by religious and secular authority; when its testimony was perverted, and every effort made that men and demons could invent to turn the minds of the people from it; when those who dared proclaim its sacred truths were hunted, betrayed, tortured, buried in dungeon cells, martyred for their faith, or compelled to flee to mountain fastness, and to dens and caves of the earth--then the faithful witnesses prophesied in sackcloth. Yet they continued their testimony throughout the entire period of 1260 years. In the darkest times there were faithful men who loved God's word and were jealous for His honor.”

The Word of God was banned because it reveals the Papacy’s schemes of deception and it reveals their span of temporal power during the Middle Ages. This period is also portrayed as the period 1260 days during which the woman flees into the wilderness. This is a reference to the Christian Church that had been persecuted during that dreadful period of the Dark Ages (Revelation 12:6).

The Inquisition and Galileo Galilei

The Papacy not only had a problem with the calendar and biblical chronology but also with scientific knowledge, especially the knowledge of the natural world that reveals what Rome tried to suppress: that “the heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork” (Psalms 19:1). The Papacy was furiously suppressing all vestiges of scientific knowledge and wanted to continue to keep the world in ignorance and superstition. Yet they could not stop God’s enlightenment of great minds like Galileo Galilei who had the courage to stand for truth, even when that would cause him to be accused of heresy for daring to think differently to the Papacy. Galileo believed that the earth rotates around the sun, but the Papacy could not tolerate that teaching because their system of mind-enslavement would collapse. They needed to propagate their superstitions emanating from the erroneous belief that the earth is the center of the universe.

It was inconvenient for the Papacy to have astronomers believe that the earth is a 360° degree sphere that moves around the sun. The Papacy was not willing to acknowledge that the center of the universe is the Heavenly Sanctuary where “God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness” (Psalms 47:8). The pope is not the king in the Kingdom of Heaven, neither is he king of the earth. As the Psalmist proclaims: “For God is the King of all the earth…” (Psalms 47:7). God did not create a flat earth, but the Papacy kept people in ignorance and fear deceived millions with such sophism. Yet the Word of God reveals that the earth is a spherical planet:

“It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in” (Isaiah 40:22).

In dreadful expectation of the papacy’s torturous death by burning alive at the stake, Galileo was forced by the Inquisition in 1633 A.D. to recant and sign with his own hand the following retraction: “I abjure, curse, and detest the error and heresy of the motion of the earth.” With indignation the preacher Chiniquy who was rescued from the Catholic clergy said about Galileo: “That learned man had to degrade himself by swearing a lie… Thus the wings of that giant eagle of Rome were clipped by the scissors of the pope. But God would not allow that giant intellect to be entirely strangled by the bloody hands of that implacable enemy of light and truth, the pope.”

God strengthened Galileo, and as he stood up from his humiliating kneeling position, he said: “Eppur si muove”, “But it moves”, meaning that his retraction was not going to prevent the earth from rotating around the sun. Yet, he was found guilty of heresy and was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.

John Huss

John Huss was sentenced to a most horrendous death; he was burnt alive at the stake by Roman Catholic Church.

“Being again exhorted to retract, he replied, turning toward the people, "With what face, then, should I behold the heavens? How should I look on those multitudes of men to whom I have preached the pure gospel? No; I esteem their salvation more than this poor body, now appointed unto death." Finally a crown or mitre, on which were painted frightful figures of demons, and bearing the inscription, "The Arch-Heretic," was placed upon his head. "Most joyfully," he said, "will I wear this crown of shame for thy sake, O Lord Jesus, who for me didst wear a crown of thorns."

“He was now delivered up to the secular authorities, and led away to the place of execution. An immense procession followed, hundreds of men at arms, priests and bishops in their costly robes, and the inhabitants of Constance. When he had been fastened to the stake, and all was ready for the fire to be lighted, the martyr was once more exhorted to save himself by renouncing his errors. "What errors," said Huss, "shall I renounce? I know myself guilty of none. I call God to witness that all that I have written or preached has been with the view of rescuing souls from sin and perdition; and, therefore, most joyfully will I confirm with my blood that truth which I have written and preached. When the flames kindled about him, he began to sing, "Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me," and so continued till his voice was silenced forever.”

The Martyr Jerome

Because of his faith in the Word of God, Jerome, another faithful man was condemned, by the Catholic prelates, to be burnt alive at the stake. On the day of his execution he was pleading with God for mercy as he had previously recanted from his faith because of fear when he beheld Huss’ execution. At the stake Jerome exclaimed: "Of all the sins that I have committed since my youth, none weigh so heavily upon my mind, and cause me such poignant remorse, as that which I committed in this fatal place, when I approved of the iniquitous sentence rendered against Wycliffe, and the holy martyr, John Huss, my master. Yes, I confess it from my heart; and declare with horror that I disgracefully quailed, when, through a dread of death, I condemned their doctrines. I therefore supplicate Almighty God to deign to pardon me my sins, and this one in particular, the most heinous of all." “His last words, uttered as the flames rose about him, were a prayer. "Lord, Almighty Father," he cried, "have pity on me, and pardon me my sins, for thou knowest that I have always loved thy truth." His voice ceased, but his lips continued to move in prayer.”

John Wycliffe

John Wycliffe in his desire to reach out to the hungry multitudes with the Word of God, made it possible for the first copies of the Word of God to circulate in the English language as he translated it from the Latin version. However, Wycliffe’s daring task was not appreciated by an enraged Papacy that was thirsty for any opponent’s blood. This man of God died a natural death, leaving behind a heritage of faithfulness to the Word of God. “The papists had failed to work their will with Wycliffe during his life, and their hatred could not be satisfied while his body rested quietly in the grave. By the decree of the Council of Constance, more than forty years after his death his bones were exhumed and publicly burned, and the ashes were thrown into a neighboring brook.”

William Tyndale

Englishman William Tyndale translated the Word of God in the early 16th century. The influence of his translation still remains with us today in the form of the King James Version. This later translation relied heavily upon Tyndale’s work. Tyndale was burned at the stake on 6 October, 1536. The Catholic prelates condemned him to death in the flames after finding him guilty of treason against the Papacy. He was killed for having translated the Word of God from the original Hebrew and Greek into the English language. Of Tyndale it is written that he “was to complete the work of Wycliffe in giving the Word of God to his countrymen.” He was “A diligent student and an earnest seeker for truth, who had received the Gospel from the Greek Testament of Erasmus. He fearlessly preached his convictions, urging that all doctrines be tested by the Scriptures. To the papist claim that the church had given the Word of God, and the church alone could explain it, Tyndale responded, "Do you know who taught the eagles to find their prey? That same God teaches his hungry children to find their Father in his Word. Far from having given us the Scriptures, it is you who have hidden them from us; it is you who burn those who teach them; and if you could, you would burn the Scriptures themselves."

Who Changed the Reading of World Chronology?

The fact that the book of Revelation presents a period of 1260 days/years in terms of years of 360 days and months of 30 days is enough evidence that God intends for us to understand the prophecies in terms of God’s calendar and chronology. But a religio-political power would trample on God’s Law and His chronology, as it is written:

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time” (Daniel 7:25).

From the creation of the world the biblical chronology is counted in an ascendant way; the years increase in number until our present day. But something happened in the past that seems to have altered God’s calendar. God’s chronology was altered and forced its reading into confusion. A devilish institution confused the orderly biblical chronology and began counting years from top to bottom and then from bottom to top. That alteration caused great harm to the understanding of the biblical prophecies and biblical chronology. But who was it that changed the reading of the chronology? It was the Roman Catholic Papacy that effected the change, just as it was prophesied by Daniel (Daniel 7:25).

Just like this institution persecuted the saints in the name of Christ, they also changed times and laws. But, notice what the Lord Jesus says about them: “In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matt. 15: 9). The Papacy pretending to honor the Lord Jesus, employed the cunning of an abbot named Dionysius Exiguus to change the chronology. This abbot formulated a chart that set the basis for the papal calendar to celebrate their pseudo-Christian festival which they called Easter. Therefore, Dionysius gave the Papacy their Easter table, claiming that it was a genuine way to practice the festival on its due date.

At the outset of the Middle Ages, when the Papacy came to global dominance, with the help of Dionysius, they divided the chronology into two eras, namely: B.C. and A.D. This was allegedly to highlight the birth of Jesus so that the past, present and future history of the world should be centered around His birth. But there is a problem; the Lord Jesus’ birth did not happen between the years 1 B.C. and 1 A.D. as Dionysius and the Papacy claimed. Nonetheless, historians have blindly accepted Dionysius’ artificial division of time and his incorrect dating of the year of Jesus’ birth even though they acknowledge that it is incorrect.

The alteration of the chronology was a conspiracy against the faith of the Lord Jesus. It was an affront, a plot against God’s chronology and Bible prophecies. The Papacy’s plan was to establish an uninterrupted sequence for the celebration of Easter. But it is apparent that the Papacy was not interested in maintaining the continuity of the true Judeo-Christian feast of the Passover. If the Papacy’s intentions were to honor the God of the Hebrews, they would not have changed the times, that is, the Judeo-Christian calendar. If their intentions were to honor Jesus Christ, as they claimed, they would not have meddled with the calendar at all.

Medieval Chronology

It is not that the Christians had a calendar different to that of the Jews; the Judeo-Christian Church remained faithful to God’s oracles as given to their Hebrew predecessors. But the time came for the sweeping compromise with paganism, as the union of the Roman Pagan religion and Christianity took place. The pagans, who retained their own traditions including their festivals and their particular calendar, enforced their traditions on the apostate Christians who were encouraged to get rid of everything Jewish. Therefore, historians have written about this miserable compromise as follows: “The Christian calendar was based, as regards its form and division, on the official (Julian) calendar of the Roman Empire, so during the earlier centuries Christians employed the eras used by their pagan countrymen.” But of course historians refer to as “Christians” those who had apostatized from the true Christian faith and allowed entrance to all forms of pagan celebrations including the one celebrated on the 25th of December.

By accepting the wrong form of calendar, the apostate Medieval Church was also encouraged to accept a wrong date for the birth of Jesus, which in turn would thwart the understanding of the Old Testament prophecies regarding the Lord Jesus’ divinity and the Heavenly Sanctuary doctrine. Therefore, this Papal alteration of biblical chronology clouded people’s understanding of the eschatological prophecies of Jesus’ ministry in the Most Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary. “ Dionysius… proposed that the epoch of the birth of Christ, which he assigned to Dec. 25 A.U.C. 753, should be adopted by Christians. This was called the Vulgar of Dionysian Era, and gradually gained almost general acceptance.” Hastings continues: “It is well known that Dionysius was incorrect in his calculation, and that the birth of Christ should more probably be assigned to A.U.C. 749 or B.C. 4.” Both Dionysius and Hastings were incorrect about the date of Jesus’ birth because the Lord was born in the year 3 B.C. according to the prophecies of Daniel and the biblical chronology. But the Papacy was more cunning as they taught and continue to teach that Jesus was born 754 years after the founding of Rome cunningly placing Jesus’ birth in the year 1 A.D.

You would expect that if the Papacy wanted to honor the Lord Jesus, as they claim, they would not have changed the biblical chronology. Moreover if their intention was to uphold the birth of Jesus, they would have kept Jerusalem’s sacred history as a major landmark for counting the chronology of Jesus, and not the founding of a pagan city such as Rome. They conferred all honor to their cradle of paganism, ancient Rome, when they cunningly introduced the misconception that Jesus was born in the year 754 from the founding of Rome. Rome was the Papacy’s landmark to begin reading world history, the cradle its anti-Christ system. Alexandria was also a capital for paganism, and the Papacy’s early playground. Dionysius was the Papacy’s scapegoat for the change of the biblical chronology. He supplanted God’s chronology for a set of tables prepared in Alexandria. It is written: “to be sure that his own tables were correct, he simply extended a set of tables prepared in Alexandria that had circulated in the West in Latin”. Therefore, the Papacy adopted, to a great extent, the philosophy of the Greeks, whose center was in Alexandria.

What was the Purpose in Changing God’s Chronology?

The Papacy’s changing of the biblical chronology was an act of its antichrist authority against the authority of the Lord Jesus. The changing of the calendar was merely a religious issue and it had no relation to the affairs of agriculture. It changed the calendar to procure the reestablishment of the ancient Roman Empire’s worship on the day of the sun. It sought to revive its pagan liturgy of Sunday worship and stop the Christians from observing the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday) of the fourth Commandment in the Law of God (Exodus 20:8-11).

By changing the calendar the Papacy enforced the reading of history in a topsy-turvy way. To ensure that Christians were enticed to embrace Sunday, the Papacy needed to change the calendar, because by doing so it ensured that its festival of Easter would always fall on a Sunday. At the same time would emulate the feast of the Jewish Passover by holding the Easter festival around the Passover. The Easter tradition was a tool that the Papacy exploited to demonstrate its alleged power to trample upon the commandments of God. Easter is in essence its most powerful means to achieve its ‘dies domini’ or Sunday worship, which is the right arm of its authority. The Papacy asserts: “8. For the Christian, Sunday is above all an Easter celebration”. But it should certainly clarify that Sunday worship is not for the Christian who genuinely wishes to obey God rather than the Catholic system. On the contrary, the saint who wishes to “keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12) will adhere to the example of Jesus who did not change the Law or the prophets (Matt. 5:17) but kept the seventh day Saturday holy. The Scripture says that the Lord Jesus, “as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read” (Luke 4:16).

One of the major changes that the Papacy made was in regard to the beginning of the year. Therefore the Papacy enticed the pseudo-Christian Church to adopt the Roman Empire’s Julian calendar, not only to please imperial Rome from whom it received its authority and seat, but also to rid the Christian Church of all vestiges of its Jewish heritage. Consequently, the church was duped into accepting the beginning of the year not in the Hebrew month Abib (Nisan), but in January.

The Truth About the Passover and Easter

Jesus’ disciples celebrated the feast of the Passover only once in a year, in the month Abib. On the occasion of Jesus’ crucifixion they asked the Lord: “Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover?” (Matt. 26:17). Jesus commanded them to prepare the Passover in a man’s private house (Matt. 26:18), so “they made ready the Passover” (Matt. 26:19). Of course, for them the Passover included not only the roasted lamb and bitter herbs, but also the unleavened bread and unfermented juice of the vine, emblems that represented the body and blood of Jesus, to be kept in remembrance of Him (1 Corinthians 11:24). The Feast of Unleavened Bread was called the Passover (Luke 22:1). Paul affirmed that for the Christian Church “…Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us” (1 Corinthians 5:7). But this Passover sacrifice was offered only once, not many times as people have been led to believe. “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many” (Hebrews 9:28).

Because Christ is our Passover and He was sacrificed on Friday 14th of Nisan, then those who keep Sunday would probably be better keeping Friday the day of His crucifixion instead of Sunday the day of His resurrection. But of course the Jewish Passover feast was not attached to any particular day of the week but to the 14th day of the first month. Therefore the Passover could be celebrated on any day of the week and not from Sunday to Sunday as the Papacy’s Easter. As stated, the Passover feast was not attached to any particular day of the week, but the Easter celebration is intended to foster Sunday worship.

The Christian Church that wished to adhere to the statutes pertaining to the feast days would certainly have of necessity observed God’s Passover on the day that the 14th of the first month fell upon and not from Sunday to Sunday as the Papacy established.

The Shortening of the Calendar in 1582

In order to advance their so called Sun worship, the Romans created their solar calendar that dated back to Julius Caesar’s reigning year 45 B.C. It was he who introduced the devilish idea that years should be reckoned as having 365 days with leap years of 366 every fourth year. But the introduction of this Sun calendar was another of Satan’s stratagems to counter the Judeo-Christian Feast of the Passover and to introduce into the Christian Church the pagan celebration of Easter.

Remember that the Biblical Passover Feast was unmovable; that is, it always fell on the 14th of the first month no matter what day of the week it was. But the Easter celebration, on the other hand is called the wandering Easter because it was schemed to fall on any given Sunday of their “35-day span where Easter can occur (March 22- April 25, inclusive): the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.” But the Roman religion had a problem with the Judeo-Christian calendar because in order for them to entice the Christian Church into idolatry, they needed to grasp their first chance to change their festivities and their calendar. The dragon was wroth against the church and could not stand the fact that Christians were still clinging to the Jewish calendar. “Our first stop on this tour of the wandering Easter is a quick study of how calendars were used in the Biblical lands around 30 A.D. Although the Julian or solar-based calendar of the Roman Empire had been in place since 45 B.C., it did not supplant the lunar calendar that was the chart and compass of 2,000 years of Jewish history.”

After the Roman Emperor Constantine enforced Sunday as the only day of worship in 321 A.D. another religious convention, the council of Nicea, took place. Constantine had already displaced the sacredness of the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday) and granted all honor to the first day of the week, Sunday. But Rome still needed to crown its idolatrous achievement with a church canon to eradicate forever the sanctity of the true day of the Lord. Therefore, “one unanimously accepted canon guaranteed that Easter would never fall on the beginning of the Jewish Passover.” Such a drastic change, Brown states, was “perhaps reflecting Christian animosity towards the Jewish people for their perceived role in Jesus’ death.” But of course it was not the animosity of the true Christian Church against the Jews. The early Christians harbored no hatred against their Jewish brothers, nor any quarrel against the Commandments of God. But the Papacy, which had received its power and authority from the dragon, had such hatred against the Christian Church and tried to alienate Christianity from its Jewish heritage of faith. Moreover, the battle was not only against the Commandments of God, but against the Lord Jesus and His authority.

The sole purpose for a reformed calendar was purely ecclesiastical; it was due to the Papacy’s urgency to uphold their commitment to celebrate their Easter from Sunday to Sunday. Therefore, Pope Gregory, aided by his team of idolatrous astronomers, took drastic measures by a papal Bull that imposed the shortening of the calendar by 10 numerical days. The Pope ordered in his Bull that the 4th of October be followed by the 15th of October 1582.

October 1582





























Notice that the weekly cycle was not affected by this shortening of days. The day of the Lord, the Sabbath, remained the seventh day of the week. The number of the Sabbath in the calendar was changed but the day of Lord remained unmovable, its holy time was not modified.

Chronologies of the Mysteries of God - Page 14